“North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. He has been very threatening, beyond a normal state… They will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.” ~ Donald Trump
These are the words of one unstable megalomaniac to another. Trump’s words were not chosen at random… He meant them to be specifically referring to our country’s use of nuclear weapons. His words closely mirrored President Harry Truman’s words while addressing the country about the use of nuclear weapons against Japan, when he said Japan “may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth.“ Just three hours after Trump made his threat, Kim Jong Un (the unstable man-child in charge of North Korea) made a statement through state media that they were “seriously reviewing” plans for a military strike against Guam–Not only the site of strategic U.S. military bases, but also U.S. soil.
Trump is a man who was put in power by people calling themselves “christians.” A man who met with a foreign policy advisor and asked three times — THREE TIMES!! — why he couldn’t use nuclear bombs. “If we have them, why can’t we use them?” he asked… Three times in a one hour briefing. This is a man who has surrounded himself with apocalyptic “christians,” like “pastor” Robert Jeffress, who–after Trump’s “fire and fury” comments–commended the president’s resoluteness, and said, “In the case of North Korea, God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong Un.” A man who was already talking in 1999 about a pre-emptive strike against North Korea (after, he said, he’d “negotiate like crazy”). And this is a man who–in just over 200 days, has brought us to the brink of war with an unstable nuclear power, who also happens to be an ally of China.
So NOW is the time when the Christians who supported Donald Trump need to wake up. I know that there are some out there who are never going to change their support for this evil and dangerously broken man. It makes sense why a certain brand of “christian” would support Donald Trump. For many Trump-supporting “christians,” the god they worship is the god of “fire and fury.” The god who’s going to use this evil king to bring about judgment and wrath. These people are not in the business of SAVING the world–They are in the business of ESCAPING the world… A world (they have been told for the last 14 centuries, or so) will be consumed by fire very soon. Some are beyond the scope of reason… But not all of you are like this.
Many of you have been questioning your support more and more every day. With every day, there is another national embarrassment, and another reason for regret. Maybe some of you DON’T regret your decision. Maybe you STILL argue that he was the “lesser of two evils” between him and Hillary… Maybe her eMails were a big enough issue that you thought he was the better option… Maybe you got caught up in all the “Drain The Swamp” talk… FINE! But Hillary is no longer an issue. Now the issue is that we have a demented narcissist in the Oval Office, and he has the nuclear codes. If you stay silent right now, it is very possible that A LOT of people are going to die. If you call yourself “Pro-Life,” it’s time to act like it. The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima killed over 140,000 people. The bomb dropped on Nagasaki three days later killed more than 70,000 people. Over the years, the radiation killed many, many more. And the bombs dropped on Japan are dwarfed in destructive power by the bombs we currently have. A strike against North Korea–even a non-nuclear strike–would devastate the Asian peninsula just from the fallout of the reactors that are currently there. We must also remember that when the atomic bombs of WWII were dropped, we were the only nation on the planet who had them. THAT IS NO LONGER THE CASE.
COME TO YOUR SENSES, CHURCH–NOW IS THE TIME TO WAKE UP, AND NOW IS THE TIME TO SPEAK UP. Call your senator. Call your representative. Flood the phone lines. We have a voice. We have political power. And that’s the reason WE–the citizens of United States of America–need to be the ones to pressure our government AWAY from war and destruction and fallout, and TOWARD diplomacy and sanity and peace. The people of North Korea don’t have a voice. They are oppressed and lied to and kept from anything that might inform them of the truth. Speaking out against the leadership in North Korea is a capital offense. The slightest misstep can land you in forced labor camps. Dissent will literally get you killed. But that is NOT the case in our nation… A nation–for all its problems–that I still love and appreciate, and a nation that I don’t want to see start a nuclear war. If you are a person who calls yourself a Christian–a follower of a man named Jesus, who commanded us to LOVE our enemies instead of killing them–NOW is the time to speak up in opposition to this woefully unqualified, demented, disastrous, broken man. You put him in power… We are going to need your help to get him out.
If you’re like me, you are tired of feeling like hopefulness doesn’t make sense. I re-read THIS POST today, and it made me feel a bit better. Stay hopeful, stay engaged, and active. And if you value this blog, and you want to help support it, you can BECOME A PATRON. Or you can LEAVE A TIP if you want to boost a post. Otherwise, it means a lot just to share the ones you like. Share this one with a Christian you know who think is suspecting that Jesus and Trump don’t mix… Also, you can keep up with me on Facebook and on Twitter. We are not alone!