Channel: 2) Politics – The Boeskool
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14 Things That Feel True To My Broken Heart After Orlando


I don’t think I can write about his right now. I can’t be positive… And I don’t want to be negative. What I want to do is remind people that love is stronger than hate, but it’s hard to do that with tears in your eyes. I want to expose all of the hypocrisy of people who talk about “praying for” people who wouldn’t even be welcome in their church… But what’s more anger going to do right now? I want to shine a light on hatred and bigotry, and expose it for what it is… But then I realize that hatred and bigotry has got way too much of the spotlight right now. I want to write about how this one man doesn’t represent Islam any more than he represents me because we’re both men. I want to do something to remind people that there is hope… Even when hopeless people kill and destroy. I want to choose love… In such a real and honest way that it inspires people to do the same. But if I’m being honest, I’m pretty numb. I’m scrolling through my Facebook and Twitter like a zombie… And there’s no way I’m going to have anything worthwhile to write for a little bit… So here’s some things that struck me as true that I wanted to share with you:





Here’s a picture of the line of people waiting to give blood in Orlando.

May we take these acts of hatred, and let them teach us how to love each other better than we do. May we take these acts of continued insanity, and let them teach us how to be rationale and sane. May we take these acts of violence, and let them teach us the fruits of violence. May we take these acts of terror, and–instead of allowing them to make us more afraid–let them teach us to be brave… And to love bravely… And to live bravely. May we look for the helpers… May we take these acts acts of war that feel like defeat, and let them strengthen our resolve that LOVE WINS. And may we take these acts of terror and fear, and let them teach us to bravely love the people in our paths… Especially the ones who are feeling unloved and vulnerable. And most of all, may we be good to each other. I love you.

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